Short name | Organisation legal full name | Country | ||
1 | Internal Funded Partner | PTB | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt | Germany |
2 | Internal Funded Partner | BFKH | Budapest Fõváros Kormányhivatala | Hungary |
3 | Internal Funded Partner | CMI | Cesky Metrologicky Institut Brno | Czech Republic |
4 | Internal Funded Partner | ENEA | Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile | Italy |
5 | Internal Funded Partner | IFIN-HH | Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara “Horia Hulubei” | Romania |
6 | Internal Funded Partner | NPL | NPL Management Limited | United Kingdom |
7 | Internal Funded Partner | VINS | Institut Za Nuklearne Nauke Vinca | Serbia |
8 | External Funded Partner | AGES | Oesterreichische Agentur fuer Gesundheit und Ernaehrungssicherheit GmbH | Austria |
9 | External Funded Partner | CLOR | Centralne Laboratorium Ochrony Radiologicznej | Poland |
10 | External Funded Partner | INESC TEC | INESC TEC – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência | Portugal |
11 | External Funded Partner | JRC | JRC – Joint Research Centre – European Commission | European Commission |
12 | External Funded Partner | LUND | Lunds Universitet | Sweden |
13 | External Funded Partner | SUJCHBO | Státní ústav jaderné, chemické a biologické ochrany, v.v.i. | Czech Republic |
14 | External Funded Partner | UC | Universidad De Cantabria | Spain |
15 | External Funded Partner | UoB | University of Bristol | United Kingdom |
16 | External Funded Partner | UPC | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain |
17 | External Funded Partner | UVSQ | Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines | France |
18 | Unfunded Partner | IDEAS | IDEAS Hungary Betéti Társaság | Hungary |
The consortium comprises 18 institutions from 13 European countries: including the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) and two institutes representing ICOS thematic centres (The ICOS Carbon Portal and the ICOS atmosphere thematic centre).
PTB has long-term experience in the provision of activity standards, the measurement of airborne radioactivity concentrations, the investigation and calibration of various dosimetry systems for environmental radiation monitoring as well as in the operation of related calibration facilities traceable to primary standards. PTB operates a worldwide unique combination of reference facilities for dosimetry at low dose rates, has organised several intercomparison exercises and coordinated EMRP as well as EMPIR projects. PTB will coordinate this project.
BFKH is the Hungarian NMI and the government’s territorial administrative agency with general powers. The Department “Metrological and Technical Supervisory Department” represents Hungary at international metrology forums and participates in international metrology programmes.
CMI undertakes research in ionising radiation related to the production of activity standards (Rn-222 and other radionuclides), absolute activity measurement, spectrometry and dose measurements. In the field of ionising radiation metrology, CMI uses absolute activity measurement techniques, alpha-, beta-, X- and gamma-ray spectrometers, Cs-137, Co-60 and X-ray irradiators, neutron sources, radiochemical laboratory equipment and a testing laboratory.
ENEA is a public body aimed at research and technological innovation. Through its Italian National Institute of Ionising Radiation Metrology, ENEA develops and provides national standards in different sectors (dosimetry, radionuclides and neutrons) of the ionising radiations. ENEA is a signatory of the CIPM MRA, member of the CIPM-CCRI(I) and CIPM-CCRI(II) and Associated Member of EURAMET.
IFIN-HH is one of the most representative physics research institutes of Romania, being involved in a wide range of fields of physics (theoretical, fundamental and applied). It is a signatory of the CIPM MRA, member of the CIPM-CCRI(II) and Associated Member of EURAMET. It has a significant experience in primary and secondary methods of activity standardisation including Rn-222, in determination/evaluation of nuclear decay data and in providing calibration services to national stakeholders.
NPL plays a significant role in maintaining GHG observations in the UK through their tall tower atmospheric monitoring site. Data from this site is included in calculations of ‘top down’ GHG emissions estimates reported by the UK Government to the UNFCCC. NPL is joint lead on a new £3m UK research council project entitled Deriving and Attributing Regional Emissions in the UK, which aims to use radon measurements as a key new observable for climate observation. NPL also has a long history in GHG emissions metrology through previous EMPIR projects.
VINS has a Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory which is the only officially recognised institution in Serbia providing metrology services in the field of ionising radiation. VINS has significant experience in European and national R&D projects and long-term cooperation with IAEA, EURADOS and the national regulatory body. The laboratory is a member of the IAEA/WHO network of SSDL and ALMERA network. VINS also has experience with comparison organisation and has facilities for radiation protection calibrations and irradiations.
AGES include the Department of Radon & Radioecology with three main tasks – environmental monitoring, emergency preparedness and the “National Radon Centre of Austria”. AGES works at both at the regulatory level (e.g. setting up and monitoring the national radon action plan, advising the Ministry and other relevant authorities, developing the strategy and methodology for the Austrian radon map and RPA) and the laboratory level (e.g. conducting radon measurements, radon mapping, and for radon diagnosis). In this project AGES will focus on the use of the new data to identify RPAs.
CLOR is the only calibration laboratory in Poland accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 in the field of radon activity concentration in air, potential alpha energy concentration, radon in water, radon measurements using passive methods. CLOR chairs the technical committee 246 Radiation Protection in The Polish Committee for Standardisation. In this project CLOR will focus on the radon activity concentration measurement and radon data processing.
UVSQ hosts the Atmospheric Thematic Centre of ICOS ERIC. In ICOS, atmospheric measurements are coordinated via the Atmospheric Thematic Centre in France which is composed of a data centre and a metrology laboratory. In this project UVSQ will focus on the ICOS atmospheric installations
LUND hosts the ICOS Carbon Portal which provides harmonised and high-precision scientific data on carbon cycle and GHG budgets. The ICOS Carbon Portal offers free and open access to all ICOS data products from more than a hundred measurement stations in Europe and provides a range of elaborated products and services to support climate science, such as advanced visualisations and GHG flux maps.
INESC TEC has over 30 years of experience in R&D and technology transfer. It is a private non-profit research institution, dedicated to scientific research and technological development. INESC TEC actively cooperates with policy makers at national and international levels to provide improvement recommendations in key areas for science and innovation. The areas of activity related to the project include data analysis, research data management, and monitoring of environmental radioactivity.
JRC is currently working on different projects regarding environmental radioactivity of interest for the present project, including the EANR and the EURDEP network for the exchange of radiological monitoring data between participating countries almost in real time. Monitoring information is collected from automatic surveillance systems in 39 countries.
SUJCHBO operates the Authorised Metrological Centre and accredited Calibration Laboratory for the calibration of measuring devices of airborne radon activity concentration and radon equilibrium activity concentration. SUJCHBO laboratories provide among other technical services for the State Office of Nuclear Safety. SUJCHBO participates in the Coalition of International Radon Associations (COIRA) intercomparison and is a partner in EMPIR 16ENV10 MetroRADON.
UC has experience in the realisation of the radiological main maps at national level. UC has participated in the main programmes of the EU related to natural radiation. UC is a partner in the EMPIR 16ENV10 MetroRADON project. UC has a capacity to develop equipment for the measurement of radon that emanates from the ground and is accredited in this field according to ISO 17025. In this project UC will work on the development of an exhalation bed for the traceability for radon flux measurements.
UoB is experienced in the measurement of GHG, including all gases listed under the Kyoto Protocol, from tall-tower observatories and oceanic baseline stations. UoB owns and operates instruments at three tall towers in the UK and one remote observatory on the West Coast of Ireland (Mace Head). Together with an affiliated tall tower owned and operated by NPL, these sites form the UK Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change network. In this project UoB will work mainly on the validation of radon flux maps using atmospheric radon activity concentrations
UPC is part of the recognised research group “Dosimetry and Medical Radiation Physics” in the fields of ionising radiations. UPC activity is mainly focused on research and service in the environmental radioactivity field. This includes dose assessment in the case of radiological incidents radiation dose due to the exposure to environmental radionuclides, and the design and build of instruments for monitoring ionising radiation and particularly for Rn-222 and Rn-222 flux measurements. UPC is a partner in EMPIR projects.
IDEAS is a research, consultancy and advisory team that provides services to the non-profit sector and international research collaborations focusing on using digital technologies and advancements for social good. IDEAS is a co-founder of the Radiation Research Team, which is an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers working primarily in the field of radiation protection research in Hungary. IDEAS works on advancing methods of data collection and analysis as well as using technologies that can make a difference to society in the environment sector.
The following collaborators have not signed the JRP-Contract and are not bound by its terms and conditions. The relationship between each collaborator and the JRP-Consortium is based on the mutual willingness to collaborate in the field of radon metrology for use in climate change observation and radiation protection at the environmental level. It is fixed by a “Letter of Agreement“.
Collaborators by signed Letters of Agreement:
- Consortium LIFE-Respire
- Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Germany
- Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
- Universität Heidelberg, Germany
- Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia
- ERA, European Radon Association, Europe
- Met Office, United Kingdom
- University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- University of Codoba, Spain
- EURADOS, e.V., Europe
- Universität Siegen, Germany
- IRSN, France
- ARPA Piemonte, Italy
- ARPA Valle d’Aosta, Italy